Tuesday, April 26, 2011

我有话说の天蝎男篇♏ (壹)


1) 天蝎男の系列
B 短期内不做任何表白,只在观摩期(这里指的短期对水瓶,双子,白羊男来讲是很漫长的)
C 不露陷,很难穿帮,暗恋得不露痕迹是他的优点同时也是弱点
D 天蝎男对另一半超没安全感,即使对象不是天姿国色
当他被你暗恋时, 相反的
A 要看你是否是他的那杯茶 (有时候帅气的天蝎男会出乎意料地选择长相平凡的对象)
B 如果你是他暗恋的对象,恭喜你,他将会无微不至的对你关怀备至 (受宠若惊是必然的,你要学习被他当成属于他一个人的公主或主人)
C 如果你不是他要找的人,请主动弃权,因为它不会对你有任何行动,太过积极只会让他从此不与你来往

A 天蝎男的眼睛会说话,无论帅或不帅, 可是最具魅力的男性 (请参考-阮经天,金城武)
B 天蝎男的肢体语言相对的比语言更胜一筹
C 不笑装酷时的天蝎男绝对比其他的星座男更具吸引力; 微笑时的天蝎男即使对你没兴趣,也能勾起你心里的涟漪 (请把他的笑容仅当成是对你礼貌的表示,别表错情噢)

A 天蝎男极度关心身边对他很重要的人,但是不会照顾自己的起居饮食
B 天蝎男不会当烂好人,他会划分得很清楚,谁是他要关心和照顾的, 绝对比双子男,射手男来的安分守己
C 他对情人的关怀和家人朋友的关怀是6:4比率 (请不要质疑他的公平,在对另一半好的同时,他也会付出关怀于家人朋友)

2) 哦,没了...........


通告: 接下来锐可将会写水瓶男/女篇 (敬请留意)


Thursday, April 21, 2011


我很幸运地拥有着这股力量来捍卫我得来不费吹灰之力的幸福 ,既平凡而不起眼;也从来不向友人提及;因为我自认那种爱不是一种让人羡慕的爱,也不是被华丽包装着的糖衣;而是用包容拼凑而成的爱..



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

✦Love Story ........... My Love is not a story✦

Love story............. ϟ a story book of once you beginning and it depends on how you finish it incompletely or completely somehow it is just an adventure about love.

ϟSome people are expert to skip the story by playing the love game with their own ideal theory and it might hurt the reader in a half way!

ϟSome people are lazy to manage reading the book in patient and it might hurt another partner indirectly and the reader may go off in a middle way!

ϟSome fellows they ignore the rules and regulations when reading the love story book with no direction whether to finish it and end up store the book in an ageing cabinet and they will never know the ending of the story book!

ϟSome quit during reading a boring story book and the reader felt a waste of time to continue managing the story book!

Why aren't we choose to read the book by planting a sense of patience, love, and getting to know better with the story book?

Why aren't we choose to quit in a half way when found the book might not interesting as imagined at the first? But the story book might benefit in our life but we are scared to open it again?

Why are we asking why and why are we not to manage a story book or only a book with our integrity and trust?

Why could we left the story book with a loads of picture that we captured during the moment of lunch time, bed time, movie time, supper time, vacation time, or even wedding time?

Why could us leave in a half way without knowing that the story might be end up with our expected ending?

Why could we leave our self in a trap of forgetfulness of our hard moment and sweet moment just because of the argument which caused us pain or even can't even recovered in a short while?

Why could we believe that it will not be end up with good ending? Why are we so assure this happening ending would not happen between both of us? Why could we believe life is not easy to live with another? Why could we trust the untruthfulness but we never trust each other well? Why we choose to end up the book early and start to read another book which could make us more harder to complete it?

Asking myself, I am reading it and it makes me feel it is an adventure of love! It's just belong to me and my another partner who willing to finish it with me!